Insight into Journals on Analytical Science and Research

Analytical Science and Research

Analytical chemistry has entered into all spheres of human activities ranging from studies of natural resources, man-made materials, environmental monitoring, medical diagnosis and health monitoring, crime investigations, studies on archaeological artifacts to oceanographic and marine studies. The vast scope of analytical chemistry and its employment potential was explored in our earlier article125 Job Profiles for an Analytical Chemist.

The immense ongoing activity in analytical studies and research has resulted in explosion of information. Today analytical scientists find themselves enclosed in air tight compartments of their daily activities and it becomes difficult if not impossible to keep track on advances in other areas. Fortunately in this age developments taking place in basic and applied research are well documented in the form of published journals, online access journals and abstracts. In this small article an attempt has been made to expose you to some useful journals published in general as well as applied areas of analytical chemistry.

Analytical Science and Research
Analytical Science and Research

Journals on General Analytical Chemistry

  1. Analyst
  2. 分析Chimica学报
  3. Analytical Abstracts
  4. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry
  5. Analytical Chemistry
  6. Analytical Letters
  7. Analytical Sciences
  8. Biomedical Chromatography
  9. Electroanalysis
  10. Electrophoresis
  11. Field Analytical Chemistry&Technology
  12. Instrumentation Science&Technology
  13. Journal of Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
  14. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
  15. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
  16. Journal of Separation Science
  17. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange
  18. TrAc Trends in Analytical Chemistry
  19. Talanta
  20. Journal of Chromatography
  21. Journal of Spectroscopy
  22. Journal of Applied spectroscopy

Journals on Specific Application Areas of Analytical Chemistry

Foods & Flavors

  1. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
  2. Journal of Food Research
  3. International Food Risk Analysis Journal
  4. Food[email protected], PartA-V

Forensic Analysis

  1. Forensic Science International
  2. Journal of Forensic Sciences
  3. 国际的nal of Forensic Science and Pathology

Petroleum Testing

  1. Journal of Petroleum Technology & Alternative Fuels
  2. Journal of Petroleum Science&Engineering
  3. 国际的nal of Petroleum Science &Technology

Geology &Mining

  1. Geochemistry:Exploration,Environment,Analysis
  2. The Journal of Southern African institute of Mining&Metallurgy
  3. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  4. Journal of Applied Geochemistry
  5. Journal of Rock and Mineral analysis

Metallurgical Analysis

  1. Journal of metallurgical Analysis
  2. Journalof Biomedical MaterialsResearch
  3. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions

Building Materials

  1. Construction & Building Materials
  2. Materials & Structures
  3. Advances in Cement Research

Archaeological studies

  1. Journal of Archaeological Science
  2. 国际的nal of Archaeology
  3. Journal of Archaeological Research

Environmental Monitoring

  1. Environmental Science Processes&Impacts
  2. Environment Monitoring and Assessment
  3. Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Oceanographic and Marine Studies

  1. Ocean Science Journal
  2. Marine Science:Research&Development
  3. 国际的nal of Oceans & Oceanography

Pharmaceutical analysis

  1. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
  2. 国际的nal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
  3. Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta
  4. 国际的nal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Analysis


  1. 国际的nal of Cosmetic Science
  2. Journal of Cosmetic Science
  3. 国际的nal of Research in Cosmetic Science

Agricultural Chemicals

  1. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry
  2. Electronic Journal of Environmental,Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  3. Crop and Pasture Science
  4. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry

  1. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
  2. Radiation Measurements
  3. Applied Radiation and Isotopes
  4. World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

The coverage in this article is not exhaustive but will serve to give you a peep into the contribution of analytical chemistry in several areas touching our daily lives. Hope you’ll find the information useful to your field of application.

We shall welcome any comments that you would like to offer.

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